It's all Darshan

It's all Darshan

Tuesday, December 13, 2011



   In the radiance of empty~fullness infinite compassion is revealed

  Grace arises like a sun which casts no shadow

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Inner Essence is real authentic and joyful…
Personal attention creates the fetters that blind us to our essential nature
Releasing attention from the personal the intrinsic becomes experiential i.e. NOW
Now is here and here is now

Culture teaches us to ignore the essential and bind attention to our self our personal identity our past and future

This is the way of death & delusion

The path of suffering

The dark road of personal nature

So dramatic!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011



A Devotee’s Fancy

You are my Guru
I’m your Disciple
Following following
You are the Master
I am the Servant
Living in harmony

               You are the sunrise    (chorus)
I am the moonlight
Reflecting His Love
Over the mountains
Across the valleys
Beyond every sea

You are the garden
I am the flower
Fragrance of sweet delight
You are the divine
I am the pure mind
Radiate timeless light

We are the embrace
Beyond all time-space
Constant living light
We are the embrace
Within this heart-space
Constant is life’s delight

Guru Oh Guru
Nothing but Guru
Guru within all form
Thank you oh Thank you
Thank you my Guru
Thank you forever more

Yesterday during the intensive meditation the experience came upon me of being “Chidvilasanda”.  The words “I am that Chidvilasanda”, emerged full force within this awareness.  Not that I became Gurumayi, rather I was possibly introduced into that state signified by her name, which means “The Bliss of the Play of Consciousness”.  I realized the easy joy of the Self-Principle reflected within this heart.  In comparison, the ego principle reflects the pain and separation anguish indigenous to its nature. 12-29-97


The river on a late fall day, trees full with color, leaves dancing on a barely perceptible turbulence. The angler stands in a pool of shimmering luminosity, the water moving around them reflects a warming sun.  Dry in hip boots, midstream and steady, the angler is engaging the catch.  You can hear the watery struggle, see the ease of the angler, sense the urgency within the catch.  The angler’s reel whirrs into motion then stills, a forest noise is heard nearby, hours pass… the afternoon deepens into a blaze of natural glory.  The catch wearies not able to resist the angler’s finesse, car tires whine along a nearby highway. A feint and masterful response! In one seamless movement the catch is secured.  The angler stands transformed, gently taken by the silence of the moment and the precious nature of that days catch.


You are my Love          You are my Light          I am the Light
I am your Light            I am your Sound            I am the Sound
We are the Wings          We are the Form            I am the Form
Eternal Delight            Eternal Ground            Absolute Ground
Together we Fly            Together we Walk            Where I am
Within the Heart Sky            Side in Side                    Unity is
        Touching the Ground            Nothing to Fear            Ignorance Denys
          Soaring so High              Nothing to Hide         Intelligence Gives
                                        Chorus                          Chorus                           Chorus

We can only Witness       We can only Be      Eternally Free

In Shadow and Light
In Rhythms of Sound
In Eternal Delight
Never Lost
Never Found

   Forever and Forever

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Final Progression?


The Luminesce Self, wakes to activity through adsorption of the ineffable.
Active the Luminesce Self spontaneously reveals an apparent environment where the individual self is discernible.
Human reality exists solely within this self-depicting matrix.
Being source to all personal experience, our Luminesce Self wakes us from the perceptual error arising with the notion of a separate, individual self.
Through realization of our Luminesce nature, human beings become fully established in Its supreme consciousness.
The perfect, luminous reality of the Luminesce Self, is realized as our true birthright.

The Luminesce Process itself involves (1) adsorption of energy (2) excitation (3) emission of energy, usually in the form of radiation in the visible spectrum.  The Luminesce material maybe considered a transformer of energy.  Van Nostrand’s Scientific Encyclopedia, 7th Ed. Pg. 1737.



have been broken
A thousand million ways
Upon the waves of your delight

Rising to the surface
I raise the sails of Self-deceit
Setting course to drown again
In the ocean of your
 Perfect Love!


Monday, August 22, 2011


This blog continues to share images and words, developed 5-30 years ago.
I find 8-22-2011 to be a special day, factored down it equals 34/7 a powerful # of spiritual balance.  Balance, an interesting concept that seems only to present when no is one trying to acheive it.

If one "buys" the story of coming earth changes in the next 2 months then the importance of releasing our personal stories and allowing our transpersonal beauty, grace and insight to express as it will within our lives seems more compelling.


Eternal Feminine                                                   Held still by Your sweet caress
                        Self Coherence encompasses every action                                          I watch nourished
                                Within the womb of your Heart                                        Enraptured by the eternal Self
                                                   I AM!                                                                   Your Radiance reveals

                                            Once raw Desire                                                                   Awaken!
  Now                                                                    Who am I if not You?
                                                 Devotion!                                                                         Awaken!
                                     Transmuted by your Love                                             Who are You if not Myself?


                                  I AM
                                   SHE IS


                                                                                            Through your body      
Was I born

Through your heart
Took I form

Through your mind
I awoke


                                                                                                       To be
Yet not

Yet begot

Purifying lightens                                                                                                                                               
                                               Purity enlightens

You are the Question
You are the Answer
I am The  Journey
Moving between
                                                                                                 Living within

 WALKING THROUGH THE RYE                                          (REVISITED)

When a dual meets a nondual
Walking down the road

When a dual sees the Jewel

                                                                                         Walking down the road

The dual’s eyes do open wide
Their heart in ecstasy

When a dual meets a nondual
All is harmony

When a dual meets a nondual
coming through the rye
then as a rule that poor dual gets it’s small mind fried!


Never knowing-always flowing                          All knowing-all flowing
                 I am eternity                                               I dance ecstatically 

  Dancing-I witness                                                   Free-I radiate
     Conception free                                                       Spontaneity


A Look A Word A Moment Conveys
A Fullness A Silence A Timelessness Everpresent
Yet Rarely Acknowledged
Your Glance is


             Who am I, seeking only to serve?  What is my nature?  I appear as nothing, unknown, not human…
Understanding says
Never will I touch my face
Or see my hands…how is this so?

Fully alive
Yet not to be found

A cat chases its tail
I like to ask

Who Am I?